

-=HaeJuK=- 2024. 9. 2. 19:17

BuildScript\Curl .ps1 -vsVersion 2022 -buildType Debug -arch x64
BuildScript\Curl .ps1 -vsVersion 2022 -buildType MinSizeRel -arch Win32
BuildScript\Curl .ps1 -vsVersion 2022 -buildType MinSizeRel -arch x64
BuildScript\Curl.ps1 -vsVersion 2022 -buildType MinSizeRel -arch Win32

    [string]$buildType = "Release",
    [string]$arch = "x64"

# Confirm input
$validVsVersions = @("2015", "2017", "2019", "2022")
$validBuildTypes = @("Debug", "Release", "Release-MD", "MinSizeRel")
$validArchs = @("x64", "Win32")

if ($vsVersion -notin $validVsVersions -or $buildType -notin $validBuildTypes -or $arch -notin $validArchs) {
    Write-Host "Invalid input. Please enter the correct Visual Studio version, build type, and architecture."

# Setup paths
$sourcePath = "G:\ThirdParty\Source\curl"
$buildDir = "install\build_${vsVersion}_${buildType}_${arch}"
$buildPath = Join-Path $sourcePath "build"
$installPath = Join-Path $sourcePath $buildDir

Write-Host "====================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "=== You have selected the following configuration:"
Write-Host "=== [opensslPath] $opensslPath"
Write-Host "=== [sourcePath] $sourcePath"
Write-Host "=== [buildDir] $buildDir"
Write-Host "=== [buildPath] $buildPath"
Write-Host "=== [installPath] $installPath"
Write-Host "====================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan

# Create build and install directories
New-Item -Path $buildPath -ItemType Directory -Force
New-Item -Path $installPath -ItemType Directory -Force

# Change to build directory
Set-Location -Path $buildPath

# Visual Studio generator 설정
if ($vsVersion -eq "2022") {
    $generator = "`"Visual Studio 17 2022`""
} elseif ($vsVersion -eq "2019") {
    $generator = "`"Visual Studio 16 2019`""
} elseif ($vsVersion -eq "2017") {
    $generator = "`"Visual Studio 15 2017`""
} else {
    $generator = "`"Visual Studio 14 2015`""

# 아키텍처에 따른 추가 설정
if ($arch -eq "x64") {
    $archType = "x64"
} else {
    $archType = "Win32"

if( $validBuildTypes -eq "Debug" ){
$cmakeArgs = @(
    "-G",$generator,"-A", $arch,"..",
}elseif($validBuildTypes -eq "Release"){
$cmakeArgs = @(
    "-G",$generator,"-A", $arch, "..",
$cmakeArgs = @(
    "-G",$generator,"-A", $arch,"..",

# 사용자에게 현재 설정을 보여주고 확인 받음
Write-Host "====================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "=== You have selected the following configuration:"
Write-Host "=== INFORMATION" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "=== [VS Version]: $vsVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "=== [BUILD Type]: $buildType" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "=== [ARCH]: $arch" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "=== [Source Path]: $sourcePath" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "=== [cmakeArgs]: $cmakeArgs" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "====================================================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan

$response = Read-Host "Is this information correct? (y/n)"
if ($response -ne 'y') {
    Write-Host "Configuration aborted by user." -ForegroundColor Red

# Run CMake to configure
& cmake $cmakeArgs

# Build and install
& cmake --build . --config $buildType
& cmake --build . --target install --config $buildType

# Return to original path
Set-Location -Path $sourcePath

# Cleanup: Remove build directory
Remove-Item -Path $buildPath -Recurse -Force

Write-Host "Build and installation completed and cleaned up for Visual Studio $vsVersion, $buildType, $arch, installed at $installPath" -ForegroundColor Green